proven technique中文什么意思

发音:   用"proven technique"造句
  • proven:    adj. 被证明了的。 not pr ...
  • technique:    n. 1.(专门)技术;(艺术上的) ...
  • not proven:    证据不足
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  1. The pathogenesis of implant failure in conjuction with the integrated treatment was investigated based on scientific evidence and proven technique
  2. This chinese web page of mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for astral travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self - knowledge and spiritual development
  3. The department will develop an international modern logistic equipment team with the unique 2nd institute feature as always with practical spirit , proven technique , quality product , state facilities , advanced supervision , favourable reputation and high speed development
  4. As a general artificial lifting extraction mode , mechanical pump well has taken an important role in the world oil extraction for its proven technique , reliable performance and well adaptability , for underground reserves decreasing year - by - year , percent of water increasing year after year , in order to keep high and stable yields , restrict management ways and efficient technical measures must be taken in daqing oil field


  1. proven recoverable reserve 什么意思
  2. proven reserve 什么意思
  3. proven reserves 什么意思
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  6. proven territory 什么意思
  7. proven winners 什么意思
  8. provenal 什么意思
  9. provenance 什么意思
  10. provenance analyses 什么意思



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